Fertigation Equipment Western Cape

Venturi injectors are a highly efficient way to introduce liquid or gas into water. They are ideal for dosing chemicals, aerating water, dosing ozone and fertigation.

Fertigation Equipment Western Cape

Fertigation Equipment Cape Town. Cross-section of Venturi Injector. Wassertec - Engineered Ozone Solutions for water and air treatment. Ozone Generators. Mazzei venturi injectors

Fertigation Equipment. Venturi Injector. Wassertec - Engineered Ozone Solutions for water and air treatment. Ozone Generators. Mazzei Venuri Injectors - Fertigation Equipment Western Cape

How does a venturi work?

Venturis work on a principle of differential pressure.
Water flows into the venturi at a higher pressure than that at which it exits. This pressure difference creates a vacuum at the suction port on the side of the device. Air, ozone or liquid is sucked into the main water stream. The greater the difference in pressure, the stronger the vacuum and, with that, the better the efficiency of mixing.
If sized and installed correctly, a venturi can achieve a gas/water ratio of 1:1. (i.e. inject 1 litre of air/ozone into every litre of water that passes through it). For liquid dosing this ratio is maximum 1:10 (i.e. inject a maximum of 1 litre of chemical into every 10 litres of water).
Venturis come in a variety of different sizes. Size is determined not by the size of the pipeline into which it is installed, but rather by the pressure and flow rate of the water.

Which venturi do I need?

Wassertec is an agent for Mazzei Injectors, which are made in the United States of America. Mazzei venturi injectors are engineered from highly chemically resistant Kynar (PVDF) and are available in sizes ranging from ½ inch to 12 inch pipe diameter. We keep stock of models in the ½ inch to 3 inch range. Other sizes are available on request.

Mazzei Venturi Injector. Wassertec - Engineered Ozone Solutions for water and air treatment. Ozone Generators. Mazzei venturi injectors
Fertigation Equipment Western Cape


What is Fertigation?

The process of injecting fertilisers and other water-soluble products into an irrigation system is called fertigation.
Chemigation, the injection of chemicals into an irrigation system, is related to fertigation. While the terms are often used interchangeably, chemigation is usually a more controlled, regulated process due to the nature of the chemicals used.
There are many benefits of fertigation methods:

  • Increased nutrient absorption by plants.
  • Less fertilizer, chemicals, and water needed.
  • Less leaching of chemicals into the water supply.
  • Less water usage due to the plant’s increased root mass’s ability to trap and hold water.
  • The application of nutrients can be controlled very precisely.
  • Less risk of the plant roots contracting diseases through contaminated soil.
  • Reduction of soil erosion issues

Contact Wassertec for more information on Fertigation Equipment Western Cape