About Novozone
Novozone offers a wide range of domestic and commercial ozone products, consulting and after sales service. Novozone is a system integrator with 15+ years of experience in a wide variety of applications using ozone.
Novozone has sold more than 10,000 ozonators for both domestic and commercial applications.
Our expertise
In 1992, Novozone pioneered the development of a revolutionary corona discharge ozone cell. Novozone patented this new technology and soon began supplying a large number of ozone generators around the world.
Novozone can supply a full range of ozone generators, oxygen concentrators, automatic air dryers, ozone injection, mixing and contacting devices, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and dissolved ozone (DO3) controllers.
We also carry a wide assortiment of ozone resistant fittings and hoses.
Our mission
Our mission is to bring to market safe eco-friendly water and air sanitizing solutions. Ozone produces no disinfection byproducts (DPB’s) and is environmentally safe.
With headquarters, manufacturing and production facilities in Albany on Auckland’s North Shore, Novozone proudly upholds New Zealand’s clean and green reputation.
Service and repair
Ozone is a powerful oxidiser. Ozone machines need to be serviced in order to maintain peak performance.
We are proud to have the expertise, tools, test equipment and products to maintain these products in top condition. We even service our competitors’ products.
A properly maintained ozone generator used for commercial systems has a typical lifespan of 10 years.
Ozone generators are constantly evolving. In recent years with the use of new materials and electronics they produce high ozone concentrations at low oxygen flows. They have become more reliable, more maintenance friendly and therefore more cost-effective.
We welcome enquiries to upgrade your existing ozone system.
Our premises
5E Miro Place, Albany, Auckland’s North Shore, New Zealand
Our commitment
Put our extensive experience in the ozone field to work for you. We look forward to working with you and provide you with a product that meets your requirements and saves you money!